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Archive of all PC-Tools downloads

This is the complete archive of PC-Tools available for download from Minebea Intec.

It is provided as convenience for customers, who need to use specific versions of a given software.

For new development we strongly recommend to use the current releases found on List of latest PC-Tools downloads.


IndicatorBrowser2.1.0.1   (current release)

File Size
2.233.704 bytes


AccessIt!-2.0 2.0/   (current release)

  • Changed: Minebea Intec GmbH

File Size
AccessIt!-2.0 Setup.exeAccessIt!-2.0 Setup.exe
(Setup program)
30.573.184 bytes
AccessIt!-2.0 2.0/   (older version)

  • Fixed: automatic table polling doesn't work if the table is locked by an application.

File Size
AccessIt!-2.0 Setup.exeAccessIt!-2.0 Setup.exe
(Setup program)
29.635.360 bytes
AccessIt!-2.0 2.0/   (older version)

  • Added: support for Maxxis 5 (PR5900)

File Size
AccessIt!-2.0 Setup.exeAccessIt!-2.0 Setup.exe
(Setup program)
29.634.952 bytes


FlashIt!32 02.74.00   (current release)

  • Fix : Flash of Lables only in Maxxis not possible

  • Fix : Merge of Lables only for Maxxis not possible

  • New : FlashIt!.exe is now signed.

  • Change : Setup changed for Minebea Intec

  • Fix : Authentication for pr5220

  • Fix : Added more files to include in Maxxis image file

File Size
FlashIt!32 02.74.00 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 02.74.00 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

623.024 bytes
FlashIt!32 02.73.11   (older version)

  • New : Flash api-*.mo and operation-*.mo if selected

  • New : Support for PR5500 Maxxis 4

  • New : Check for valid PR1750 license in application before Flash/Merge

  • Fix : xml and help files for Maxxis5 projects were not properly processes, when flashing/merging P32 file

File Size
FlashIt!32 02.73.11 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 02.73.11 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

515.936 bytes
FlashIt!32 02.73.08   (older version)

  • New : Support for flashing PR5900 Maxxis 5

  • New : Support for updating firmware/bios of PR5220/PR5230/PR5410

File Size
FlashIt!32 02.73.08 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 02.73.08 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

496.624 bytes
FlashIt!32 02.72.00   (older version)

  • Fixed : Problems with certain USB-Serial converters

  • Fixed : Abnormal program termination on to long label list

File Size
FlashIt!32 02.72.00 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 02.72.00 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

493.280 bytes
FlashIt!32 02.70.00   (older version)

  • New : Added support for flashing labels into X3-PR5410

File Size
FlashIt!32 02.70.00 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 02.70.00 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

550.751 bytes
FlashIt!32 02.60.01   (older version)

  • New : Support for Combics Pro

File Size
FlashIt!32 02.60.01 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 02.60.01 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

541.829 bytes
FlashIt!32 02.26.01   (older version)

  • Fixed: Workaround for bug with EthernetFlash over PR1713/14

File Size
FlashIt!32 02.26.01 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 02.26.01 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

528.331 bytes
FlashIt!32 02.26.00   (older version)

  • New: Support for W&M-BIOS PR8901/10

File Size
FlashIt!32 02.26.00 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 02.26.00 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

528.294 bytes
FlashIt!32 2.24.0   (older version)

  • New: Support for flashing via ethernet
    (Requires BIOS 3.10 or better)

  • New: Flashing blocks checked by MD5 signature

  • New: Enhanced security when flashing BIOS

  • Fixed: Flash of firmware for ethernet cards

File Size
FlashIt!32 2.24.0 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 2.24.0 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

543.839 bytes
FlashIt!32 2.22.1   (older version)

  • New: Support of X4 Devices

  • Change: Now uses CHM as helpfile

File Size
FlashIt!32 2.22.1 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 2.22.1 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

467.347 bytes
FlashIt!32 2.20.4   (older version)

  • New: Check files shows a busy-bee and a message when done

  • Fixed: Merging or Flashing projects exceeding the small memory unit of PR1730 corrupted firmware. (Introduced with 2.20.3)

  • Fixed: open comport failed, when port from FlashIt!.ini didn't exist on PC

  • Added: Allow load into ram (for internal use only)

  • Change: Show Filename first in ListBoxes for ease of use

File Size
FlashIt!32 2.20.4 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 2.20.4 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

820.102 bytes
FlashIt!32 2.20.3   (older version)

  • New: Ability to read compressed hex files (*.hez)

  • New: Additional W&M Authorization for trained personal

  • Fixed: Wrong language was flashed, if Language-Name had special characters.

  • Fixed: BCC Calculation for PR1730 Projects exceeding 512k FlashProm
    (Projects merged with older Versions of FlashIt! should be merged once more)

File Size
FlashIt!32 2.20.3 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 2.20.3 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

819.236 bytes
FlashIt!32 2.20.2   (older version)

  • New : Option "Check Files" removes files from comboboxes, which are not available any more

  • New : Check for Flash-Size in PR1730 and issue an error, if project will not fit.

File Size
FlashIt!32 2.20.2 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 2.20.2 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

797.415 bytes
FlashIt!32 2.20.1   (older version)

  • Change : Allow flash of old BIOS without Hardware-Code in PR1713/00

  • Change : Deny flash of X5-BIOS into Device with old bios

File Size
FlashIt!32 2.20.1 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 2.20.1 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

794.576 bytes
FlashIt!32 2.20.0   (older version)

File Size
FlashIt!32 2.20.0 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 2.20.0 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

794.126 bytes
FlashIt!32 2.06.0   (older version)

This version does not support X5 and is obsolete

File Size
FlashIt!32 2.06.0 Setup.exeFlashIt!32 2.06.0 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

778.207 bytes
FlashIt!32 2.04.0   (older version)

This version is obsolete

File Size
FlashIt!32 2.04.0 Archive.exeFlashIt!32 2.04.0 Archive.exe
(selfextracting archive)

see FlashIt!32 History.txt for list of changes

83.456 bytes


IndicatorBrowser 01.60.00   (current release)

  • new : Button VNC (enabled, if a "vncviewer.exe" can be found in the directory or in path)

  • new : EXE now signed with Minebea Intec Certificate

File Size
IndicatorBrowser 01.60.00.exe

see IndicatorBrowser History.txt for list of changes

264.376 bytes
IndicatorBrowser 01.50.00   (older version)


  • Sending Queries on PC's with multiple network cards

  • Detect devices outside network mask

File Size
IndicatorBrowser 01.50.00.exe

see IndicatorBrowser History.txt for list of changes

260.392 bytes


PR5210-Win-Configurator 6.01.0000   (current release)

  • Changed: Minebea Intec GmbH

File Size
PR5210-Win-Configurator 6.01.0000 Setup.exePR5210-Win-Configurator 6.01.0000 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see PR5210-Win-Configurator History.txt for list of changes

12.637.645 bytes
PR5210-Win-Configurator 6.00.0008   (older version)

  • Changed: default location for *.DAT files to ...\Users\<User>\Documents\Sartorius\ConfigureIt!

File Size
PR5210-Win-Configurator 6.00.0008 Setup.exePR5210-Win-Configurator 6.00.0008 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see PR5210-Win-Configurator History.txt for list of changes

12.560.692 bytes
PR5210-Win-Configurator 6.00.0007   (older version)

  • New: support for PR5211

File Size
PR5210-Win-Configurator 6.00.0007 Setup.exePR5210-Win-Configurator 6.00.0007 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see PR5210-Win-Configurator History.txt for list of changes

12.560.094 bytes
PR5210-Win-Configurator 5.00.0032   (older version)

  • New: support for PR5205

Supports PR5210 with LO number from 2611004000

File Size
PR5210-Win-Configurator 5.00.0032 Setup.exePR5210-Win-Configurator 5.00.0032 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see PR5210-Win-Configurator History.txt for list of changes

12.533.359 bytes
PR5210-Win-Configurator 4.00.0009   (older version)

  • New: smart calibration

Supports PR5210 with LO number from 2611004000

File Size
PR5210-Win-Configurator 4.00.0009 Setup.exePR5210-Win-Configurator 4.00.0009 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see PR5210-Win-Configurator History.txt for list of changes

5.063.643 bytes
PR5210-Win-Configurator 3.01.0000   (older version)

  • Changed : User can now select the com port

Supports PR5210 with LO number from 2503003000

File Size
PR5210-Win-Configurator 3.01.0000 Setup.exePR5210-Win-Configurator 3.01.0000 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see PR5210-Win-Configurator History.txt for list of changes

5.162.577 bytes
PR5210-Win-Configurator 3.00.0066   (older version)

  • New: Analog output adaption.

Supports PR5210 with LO number from 2503003000

File Size
PR5210-Win-Configurator 3.00.0066 Setup.exePR5210-Win-Configurator 3.00.0066 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see PR5210-Win-Configurator History.txt for list of changes

5.183.350 bytes
PR5210-Win-Configurator 2.10.0000   (older version)

  • Fixed: ConfigureIt! is now running under japanese WindowsXP.

Supports PR5210 with LO number from 2311002000

File Size
PR5210-Win-Configurator 2.10.0000 Setup.exePR5210-Win-Configurator 2.10.0000 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see PR5210-Win-Configurator History.txt for list of changes

6.589.918 bytes
PR5210-Win-Configurator 2.00.0001   (older version)

Supports PR5210 with LO number from 2311002000

File Size
PR5210-Win-Configurator 2.00.0001 Setup.exePR5210-Win-Configurator 2.00.0001 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see PR5210-Win-Configurator History.txt for list of changes

6.589.424 bytes
PR5210-Win-Configurator 1.01.0000   (older version)

Supports PR5210 with LO number up to 2311002000

File Size
PR5210-Win-Configurator 1.01.0000 Setup.exePR5210-Win-Configurator 1.01.0000 Setup.exe
(Setup program)

see PR5210-Win-Configurator History.txt for list of changes

6.523.534 bytes


DongleMaintenanceTool 01.00.00   (current release)

File Size
DongleMaintenanceTool 01.00.00 Setup.exeDongleMaintenanceTool 01.00.00 Setup.exe
(Setup program)
475.997 bytes


File Size

see pr1791v8100.txt for details

1.056.061 bytes

Technical Reference

Extract archive to an empty directory and use index.html as start document.

File Size
412.261 bytes
© Minebea Intec, 2024
generated 2024-06-27 11:07:25